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音标: 英 ['smɑ:tn] 美 [ˈsmɑrtn:]

vt. 使潇洒, 使整洁
vi. 变潇洒, 变强烈

v. t. To make smart or spruce; -- usually with up.


1. After he crossed her, she artened up.

在他背叛了她后 她才学聪明了

2. Bright as you are, you got to arten up.

虽然你很聪明 但你得更机灵点

3. I realize that, but I artened you up in my head.

我知道 但我在脑海里给你增智了

4. If you don't arten up, I'll be gone like that.

如果你们不放聪明点 我会立刻抛下你们走人

5. Yes, artened it up a bit and we moved in.


6. And if some of you s out there don't arten up, that's exactly what you're gonna wind up with.

如果台下的你们不聪明起来 这也会是你们的下场

7. I've tried to get him to brush his hair and arten himself up.

我劝过他让他梳下头 整理下自己

8. All of the guys that we came up with that didn't get killed, they all artened up enough to know when it was time to get out.

所有那些和我们一样 那些没被杀掉的人 他们都很识趣 知道该什么时候离开这篇混沌

9. Oh, just artening the place up a bit for when the estate agents start showing people around.

房产经纪人带人来参观之前 我把这个地方打扮一下



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

