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音标: 英 ['ɒlɪv] 美 [ˈɑlɪv]

n. 橄榄, 橄榄树, 橄榄色, 橄榄枝
a. 黄绿色的, 黄褐色的, 橄榄色的

n. small ovoid fruit of the European olive tree; important food and source of oil
n. evergreen tree cultivated in the Mediterranean region since antiquity and now elsewhere; has edible shiny black fruits
n. hard yellow often variegated wood of an olive tree; used in cabinetwork
n. one-seeded fruit of the European olive tree usually pickled and used as a relish


1. Like olives. I used to be scared of olives.

比如橄榄 我以前好怕吃橄榄的

2. This is olive oil and this is olive from this same make of this one.

这是橄榄油 这是橄榄 橄榄油就是用这种橄榄榨出来的

3. We have many different types of olives, but what it is about olives is the way we make them.

我们这里有很多种不同的橄榄 我们制作的橄榄的方法也多式多样

4. When they have about 200 kilograms of olive, they put here the olive, and with a donkey, they start the press for about two hours of hard work.

收集够了二百千克橄榄以后 就放在这儿 用驴拉磨 接下来开始长达两个小时的辛苦拉磨工作

5. oliver was with me when it happened.

出事的时候 奥利弗在场

6. oliver has to do what's right by his family.


7. We have olive trees here, and some of them are very old.

我们这里有橄榄树 其中一些树龄很大了

8. oliver, we came as soon as we could.

奥利弗 我们尽快赶来了

9. oliver's lucky to have you both as friends.


10. oliver, there's not much to go on here.

奥利弗 看起来没什么线索



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

