中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˌʌnɪnˈfɔ:md] 美 [ˌʌnɪnˈfɔ:rmd]

a. 没有得到通知的, 未被告知的, 无知的, 不学无术的, 未受教育的, 蒙昧的
[法] 未被告知的, 未得通知的, 无知的

a. not informed; lacking in knowledge or information


1. Democracy is the tyranny of the uninformed.

不过是无知者的 罢了

2. An uninformed observer might look at it this way.


3. To be uninformed and entirely at someone else's mercy.

无知 完全依靠别人的怜悯而活

4. With you helping her, she's gonna sound like an uninformed bubblehead.

在你的帮助她 她听起来 会是个无知的蠢兮兮

5. A belief which I now know to be false and uninformed in the extreme.

我现在知道 这是虚无飘渺的

6. This is typical of the nonsense that I hear from uninformed exes every day.

这是我从蒙昧前任那里 每天都会听到的无知回复

7. So you have a chance to draw your own thoroughly uninformed opinion about an utterly innocuous exchange.

就是为了让你不明真相地瞎猜 他俩不经意的眼神交流 有何含义

8. Halstead, no one asked for your uninformed opinion, and the family's made their decision.

霍斯特德 没人问你的无知看法 而且他们一家已经做出决定了

9. I heard one of your formerly uninformed cops talking about the girl who can make things explode.

我听到你以前一位毫不知情的警察同事 在说那个能制造爆物的姑娘

10. He'll wonder why I didn't know, which makes me look uninformed, or he'll blame the messenger for involving him, which makes me look careless.

他会想我之前怎么不知道 那我就显得消息不灵了 或者他会责备传话的人 把他也卷进去 那就显得我太大意了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

