中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [nju:] 美 [nu, nju]

a. 新的, 陌生的, 最近的, 不熟悉的
[法] 新发现的, 新的, 重新开始的

a. not of long duration; having just (or relatively recently) come into being or been made or acquired or discovered
s. having no previous example or precedent or parallel
s. other than the former one(s); different
a. unaffected by use or exposure


1. This is not new for me, and you weren't new for him.

对我已经不是新鲜事了 你也不是他第一次出轨

2. It's new for you. It's new for them too.

你没接触过 对他们来说也是第一次

3. It's that newnew shit, that newnew shit that nobody got.

最前卫的 除了我没人能唱

4. Like everything has to be new, new, new.


5. With each new city came a new name, and with each new name, a new profession.

一个新城市就有一个新名字 一个新名字就有一个新的职业

6. Tomorrow is a new millennium, a new decade, a new year, a new day.

明天开始就是新的十年 又一千禧年 崭新的一天 崭新的一年

7. There's new owners, new grants, new contracts.

就因为这些新业主 新津贴 新合同

8. They have a new city, a new house, a new school.

她们要适应新城市 新房子 新学校

9. Time for new headshots, new portfolio, new attitude.

是时候重拍头部特写 重做照片集 转变下态度了

10. A new car, a new house, a new medical partnership.

新车 新房子 新工作伙伴



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

