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音标: 英 [mə'rɑ:kə] 美 [mə'rɑ:kə]

n. 沙球

n. a percussion instrument consisting of a hollow gourd containing pebbles or beans; often played in pairs


1. I'm a cat, trapped in a dryer, playing maracas.

我是一只猫 我被困在烘干机里只能玩沙球

2. For your information, sir, the maracas are a deceiving instrument to play.

供您参考 先生 沙槌是一门乐器

3. Well, you have too many nuts, you shake like a maraca.

你吃了太多坚果 像沙球一样抖动

4. He used to shake maracas in his standup act to punctuate any joke that didn't work.

他以前表演单口相声时 会摇晃响葫芦 来给不好笑的笑话圆场

5. Oh, please, she's got enough pills in her, she's gonna rattle like a maraca.

怎么可能 她吃了那么多安眠药 多到可以像响葫芦一样摇响了

6. If people will pay some freak show to teach them to play the maracas, imagine what they'd pay to learn how to play a cool instrument, like the guitar.

如果有人愿意花钱请怪人 教他们玩沙槌 他们会花多少钱去学酷炫的乐器 比如吉他



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

