中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈrɪtn] 美 [ˈrɪtn]

a. 书面的, 写成文字的

a. set down in writing in any of various ways
a. systematically collected and written down


1. You didn't have to. It's written all over you.

你不用告诉我 一看就能看出来

2. Her desert blood was written on her face surely as it is written on mine.

她的沙漠血统在她脸上表露无遗 当然我也是

3. A lot of time, history is written down by the people who have killed all the other people who might have written it down.

很多时候 历史是由那些 杀害了自己敌人的人重新撰写的 而敌人之前已经写过一份

4. But, importantly, if you didn't know who'd written them, you would never guess that these letters were written by a psychopathic serial killer.

但重要的是 如果你不认识这些信的作者 那你永远也猜不到它们 会出自一位精神 连环杀手之笔

5. Uh, I assumed our todo list was written by the killer, but the undigested note we found in his stomach was written by somebody else.

我假定待辦清單是兇手寫的 但我們在他胃里找到的還沒消化的便條 是別人寫的

6. This has my stepdad written all over it.


7. This has your name written all over it.

上面全是你的大名 赖不掉的

8. It's not written down, of course. It's in here.

当然没写下来 都在我脑里

9. Very little was written about them or by them.


10. As a judge, I've written more than he has.

作为一个法官 我写的东西比他多多了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

