中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['fləʊɪŋ] 美 ['floʊɪŋ]

a. 流动的, 如流的, 平滑的

n the motion characteristic of fluids (liquids or gases)
v move or progress freely as if in a stream
v move along, of liquids
v cause to flow
v be abundantly present
v fall or flow in a certain way
v cover or swamp with water
v undergo menstruation
s designed or arranged to offer the least resistant to fluid flow


1. they've been the place where the flows of people, the flows of money, the flows of goods have coalesced.

城市是一个人群 钱财 和物质流动交汇之地

2. Blood flow in is stronger than blood flow out.


3. I feel from your face you're freaked by the flow of blood, which is fully fixable in a snap by focusing and following the flow of my words as you're flowing and floating, which is why you're focusing on my commands.

我能感受到你被那血腥的场面吓到了 听我一声响指 并谨遵我的话语 你正在处于游离状态 集中注意听我指挥

4. There's only a really shallow gradient in height but that gradient is enough to keep the river flowing and I can measure how fast it's flowing using this and this is a flow meter.

只有很小的高度梯度 但这也足够让河流继续流动 而我可以用这个测定河水的流速 它是一个流量计

5. To be fair, it's hard to go with the flow, if the flow won't go.

说实话 顺其自然还是挺困难的 如果澡都没法洗的话

6. We're measuring blood flow to the brain and blood flow through arteries inside the brain.

我们在测量流向脑部的血流量 以及流经脑内动脉的血流量

7. Know that you are a creative spirit and your voice will flow through you if you allow the river to flow freely.

要知道你是个有创造力的人 如果让思绪自由流淌 你的声音将会在你身体内流过

8. You get older, the stuff you wanna keep in you flows outta you, stuff you want to flow outta you stays in you.

人老了 想记的东西 记不住 不想记的却东西忘不了

9. In places where the ground is steep, the gradient is steep and water flows quickly and it usually flows in a straight line.

地势越陡 梯度越大 水流越快 而且水一般以直线流动

10. That'll stop the oil flow for about 12 minutes, thus draining the pipe, but once the time's up, the oil flow restarts.

这样可以让石油12分钟内停止流动 进而排空整个管道 但是一旦时间到了 石油就会重新流进来



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

