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音标: 英 [lɑ:dʒnəs] 美 [lɑ:dʒnəs]

n. 巨大, 广大, 大量

n. large or extensive in breadth or importance or comprehensiveness
n. the property of having a relatively great size


1. He's lovely. It's a large, large Indian.

真可爱 大型印第安麝猫

2. I will have a very large army and very large dragons.

届时我将手握大军 我的龙也将长得够大

3. Someone with a large army, three large dragons, and no hu and.

那人有一支大军 三只巨龙 眼下尚无夫婿

4. Some features of his appearance, his forehead, his nose was large, his jaw was large.

他的一些面部特征 包括他的前额 他的鼻子变大了 他的下巴变大了

5. Well, sure, but there's potential for a large settlement, as well eightfigures large.

当然 我们还有可能 拿到一大笔和解赔偿金 八位数那么多

6. We do have a large number of low birth weights and we are having a large number of diabetics.

我们确实有大量出生体重轻的婴儿 也有大量糖尿病患者

7. These seas were largely stripped of sharks and other large fish by years of unregulated fishing.

由于多年的无管制捕捞 该海域的鲨鱼和其它大型鱼类几乎消失了

8. I can treat that with an antibiotic, but the gallstones are rather large, too large to pass naturally.

那个能用抗生素来治 但你的胆结石比较大 无法自然排出

9. So if you had access to the large thermal mass of a large animal, and could get inside it, it might just save your life.

因此如果你能找到一个大型动物的蓄热体 想办法钻进去 就有可能保住性命

10. By looking at my family and the large number no pun intended of fat people in my family, it just to me seems inevitable that I would be large.

审视我的家庭和庞大数量的 不是在讽刺 肥胖家族成员 我似乎注定是个大块头



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

