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音标: 英 [ -kli]

adv. 异想天开地; 反复无常地; 古怪地; 奇形怪状地

r in a fanciful manner


1. To be honest, shoes for me are whimsical.

说实话 我觉得鞋子很古怪

2. It's a play on the words. It's whimsical.

打文字游戏 让人想入非非

3. It sounds whimsical, but it's actually very serious.

听起来很荒谬 但其实是件很严肃的事

4. It is not enough to accommodate his whimsical desires.


5. I had prepared notes, whimsical thoughts on the nature of love.

我本来准备了笔记 关于爱情真谛的有趣想法

6. Take a look. I think it's whimsical and romantic, but it's still chic.

照镜子看看 大胆浪漫 又不乏时髦

7. Something in the park, whimsical of course, with lanterns and flowers, a big tent.

在公园里举办 各种奇思妙想 比如彩灯和鲜花 以及一个大帐篷

8. Our show has a really whimsical, magical, unique style that was refreshing for television.

这部剧的脑洞不是一般的大 神奇独特的风格 这对电视剧界来说很新鲜

9. I polished all these wine glasses, and I turned that graffiti in the bathroom into a whimsical hat.

擦拭了所有这些酒杯 还把卫生间里的小弟弟涂鸦 改成了一顶奇形怪状的帽子

10. Just a childless woman without a printer or a place to glaze my whimsical pinchpots.

我只是没有打印机的没孩子的女人 也没地方给我的创意陶罐上釉



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

