中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['meɪtə] 美 ['meɪtə]

n. 母亲
[医] 脑[脊]膜

n. an informal use of the Latin word for mother; sometimes used by British schoolboys or used facetiously


1. No mater what, I will always be here for you.

不管怎样 我会一直陪着你的

2. I saw your alma mater started admitting women.


3. I'm looking at your diploma, thinking I could have got into your alma mater when I was seven.

我在看你的文凭 我在想我7岁就能考进你的母校

4. He wants me to be a quarterback at his alma mater, but they don't even have a premed program.

他希望我去他母校踢四分卫 可那个学校连医学预科都没有

5. And no surprise it's as cheap and callow as your efforts to sabotage my admission to your alma mater.

不出所料这里廉价又幼稚 如同你妨碍我进入你母校的手段一样

6. My father's alma mater is honoring the family for our advancement in tech and entertainment.

我父亲的母校要表彰我们全家 感谢我们在技术和娱乐方面的贡献

7. Means you can start drawing and then nothing else will mater.


8. You should be happy, and not just because our beloved alma mater won, but because we also won our bets.

你该高兴才对 不光是因为 我们敬爱的母校赢了 也因为我们赢了赌局

9. You could've gone to my alma mater or my med school or joined our practice after your residency.

你本来可以去我的母校或者我的医学院 或者实习结束后和我们一起行医



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

