中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [pəˈrenɪəl] 美 [pəˈrɛnɪəl]

a. 常年的, 长期的, 反复的
[医] 多年生的

n. (botany) a plant lasting for three seasons or more
a. lasting three seasons or more
s. lasting an indefinitely long time; suggesting self-renewal
s. recurring again and again


1. It's a lowgrowing perennial, so you've got a choice.

它是产量较低的多年生植物 从中选择一种

2. But I bounced back like a "perennial flower" or something.


3. Some other guy wanted this roll of perennial rye, but I beat him out.

有个别的顾客想要这个多年生黑麦 但我打败了他

4. Disobedient son, perennial truant, unrepentant flouter of authority.

不听话 长期旷课 不思悔改地嘲弄权威

5. We were on our winter nature hike identifying perennials, varieties of moss.

我们正在进行冬季野外徒步 去认识多年生植物和各种苔藓

6. It's a basic and perennial problem of religious art, which all religions must face.

这是宗教艺术长期存在的基本问题 所有宗教都必须面对

7. perennial 40 under 40 overachiever making us all look bad.

四十岁以下四十人的常驻选手 自惭形秽啊

8. I say perennial blue ribbon winner at your high school science fair.

我猜你上高中时 总是在科学竞赛上获奖

9. Institutions of higher learning have always been a hotbed of sexual activity teachers with teachers, students with students, and the perennial favorite, teachers with students.

高等学府 总是风花雪月的好去处 老师和老师 学生和学生 还有大家喜闻乐见的 师生恋



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

