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音标: 英 [prɒm] 美 [prɑ:m]

n. (英)音乐会, (美)舞会, 散步道
[计] 可编程序只读存储器

n a formal ball held for a school class toward the end of the academic year


1. You didn't go to the prom? I didn't know there was a prom.

你没有去毕业舞会? 我那时候不知道有这个东西

2. I saved my prom dress, and I was prom queen.

我毕业舞会的裙子还留着 我当时可是舞会皇后

3. The pink prom dress. the pink prom dress, yeah.

粉色舞会礼服 粉色舞会礼服

4. First, you're a high school quarterback and prom king and you date the prom queen.

首先 你得是高中的四分卫和舞会国王 然后和舞会皇后约会

5. Guys, it has been 10 years since three diamonds in the rough forged their own prom cookie prom.

姐妹们 三颗未经雕琢的钻石 伪造自己的毕业舞会 饼干毕业舞会 已经有十年了

6. I got to tell you, I don't even think I remember my prom, but I do remember that I did not find a date until two days before the prom.

我得说 我都不记得毕业舞会的事了 但我记得在舞会前两天 我才找到舞伴

7. It's basically just a celebration of when we couldn't get dates to prom and everyone made fun of us so we made our own prom and the cookies were our dates until we ate them.

基本上就是庆祝 我们找不到舞伴参加毕业舞会 大家都取笑我们 我们自办了毕业舞会 饼干是我们的舞伴 直到我们把饼干吃掉

8. And she's all into prom, and I hate it.

她很喜欢舞会 而我很讨厌

9. This isn't my prom. I'm not helping.

这不是我的舞会 我不想帮忙

10. I would have liked to have gone to my prom.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

