中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['neɪtl] 美 [ˈnetl:]

a. 出生的, 诞生的
[医] 分娩的, 生产的; 臀的

n. a region of eastern South Africa on the Indian Ocean
n. a port city in northeastern Brazil
a. relating to or accompanying birth


1. Their natal charts would be identical, so their fates would be one and the same.

他们的本命盘会一模一样 所以他们的命运也完全一致

2. I shall cast your natal chart, find out what makes you tick.

我会计算你的本命盘 找出你的动力所在

3. I shall cast your natal chart find out what makes you tick.

我会计算你的本命盘 找出你的动力所在

4. He mentioned something about how the natal charts of criminals and cops were nearly identical.

他提到 罪犯和警察的出生天宫图 几乎是一模一样的

5. It's pretty much female puberty that a natal woman would go through in her early teenage years.

基本上就像是天生的女人 在她的青少年时期 会经历的青春期发育那样

6. Look, traces of dried blood inside her ear, and a bit of soap between her natal cleft.

看 耳内有干血迹 臀沟里还有肥皂残留



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

