中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈmægnɪtju:d] 美 [ˈmægnɪtu:d]

n. 巨大, 重大, 重要, 大小, 数量, 星等(指星的亮度)
[计] 大小; 值

n. the property of relative size or extent (whether large or small)
n. relative importance


1. A magnitude three starts at a point, you start to slip at a point and you have a rupture front that travels out and causes more of the fault to slip, and in a magnitude three, you travel out this far.

比如 3级的地震由一点开始爆发 地壳从这一点开始滑动 并产生了一个延伸的破裂前沿 造成了断层的更多滑动 3级地震会延伸这么远

2. A misstep of that magnitude, there's no excuse.

这种震级的决策失误 是没有借口的

3. So you'll undestand the ing magnitude of the favor I'm doing for you.

然后你就能明白 我是冒着多大险在帮你

4. Stars of our magnitude tend to gravitate to each other.

像我们这种天王巨星 相互吸引是很正常的

5. The magnitude of the explosion has not yet been assessed.


6. You more than anybody should appreciate the magnitude of what we're dealing with here.

你比任何人都应该明白 我们应对的是什么事务

7. You're not ready to spearhead something of this magnitude.


8. What is happening out there is a crisis of unknown magnitude.

目前正在发生的事 是一场不可估量的危机

9. Only then will they trigger disturbance of a decent magnitude.

只有那样才能触发 恰到好处的干扰

10. We don't have the men or the resources to handle a drop of this magnitude.

隔离区内没那么多人力物力 来处理这种大规模的食物补给



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

