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v join together into a mass or collect or form a mass


1. If you approach him en masse, he will see you coming, and he will destroy you en masse.

如果你们一群人接近他的话 他会感觉到的 而他会杀掉你们所有人

2. Ten million, 100 million, billion times the mass of the sun, so that's the range of black hole masses we have seen.

1千万倍 1亿倍 10亿倍 那是我们已知黑洞质量的范围

3. From these two numbers, you already can determine uniquely the central mass, and we can do this for each of these stars, and we find that the mass is always the same.

根据这两个物理量 我们可以计算出中心天体的质量 选取这些恒星中的任一个来计算 我们发现结果都是一样的

4. I would want to get him into surgery for a proper biopsy of the mass, and then, depending on what we find, there'd be another surgery to remove the mass itself.

我会想给它做个手术 对肿块做个正规的活组织检查 然后 根据检查结果 可能还会有个手术来把肿块移除

5. So the mass of the super massive black hole is related to the mass of the parent galaxy in a very simple way, so I can show this with a graph here.

超巨质量黑洞的质量 与其所在星系的质量相关关系很简单 我在这个图表上展示

6. Mass returns in the past have typically been accompanied by a trigger, a new returned whose sudden appearance seems to set off the mass returned.

过去的大规模归来 通常会伴有一个触发源 一个新的归来者的突然出现 掀起了大规模归来的浪潮

7. it has more mass than any cloud should.


8. A mass of marshmallows. I can't put all them in.

有好多棉花糖 我不能全加进去

9. But that was before I'd witnessed a mass murder.

但那时在我目睹了一场大 之前的事

10. You said yourself you don't know what this mass is.




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新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

