中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['tʃɪlɪ] 美 [ˈtʃɪlɪ]

a. 寒冷的, 冷淡的, 不友好的
[建] 番椒, 冷

s. not characterized by emotion
s. appreciably or disagreeably cold
s. lacking warmth of feeling


1. It is a chilli, but you could probably call it a chilli pepper.

虽然它是辣椒 你也可以叫它青辣椒

2. You've got chilli in the dish, chilli in the cornbread as well.

这道菜中会有辣椒 玉米面包里也有辣椒

3. The chilli boys have brought with them some of the hottest chillies they know.

辣椒兄弟们给我带来了一些 他们所知的最辣的辣椒

4. Yes, I do, because the heat of the chilli is contained in the vein of the chilli, not the seeds.

是的 因为辣椒的辣味 在其脉络中 不在籽内

5. In terms of heat value in a chilli, people think the seeds are the hottest part of a chilli.

考虑到辣椒的辣度 人们往往认为最辣的部分是辣椒籽

6. My tip for using any discarded chilli seeds is, plant them to grow yourself some new chilli peppers.

对于不能用的辣椒籽 我会将它们种起来 等着再长红辣椒

7. So, effectively, if you want a really superhot curry or a dish of some form, you just put one chilli or two or three chillies in it.

实际上 若你想做一份非常辣的咖喱 或者其他什么辣的菜肴 你可以就放一个 两个或者三个辣椒

8. With a slightly milder chilli in there.


9. It looks great with the chillies in it.


10. If it's too spicy, don't put the chilli in.

如果太辣了 就不放辣椒



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

