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音标: 英 [saʊnd] 美 [saʊnd]

n. 声音, 语音, 吵闹, 声调, 听力范围, 探条, 海峡
a. 健全的, 可靠的, 合理的, 健康的, 彻底的, 资金充实的
adv. 彻底地, 充分地
vi. 发出声音, 回响, 测深, 试探, 听起来
vt. 使发声, 宣告, 听诊, 测...深, 试探
[计] 声音

n. the particular auditory effect produced by a given cause
n. the subjective sensation of hearing something
n. mechanical vibrations transmitted by an elastic medium
n. the sudden occurrence of an audible event


1. And they're not just emitting the sound at each other, they're actually changing their sound till they sound similar.

而且它们不仅仅是在发出声音 实际上它们是在彼此协调 直到声音达到和谐一致的状态

2. No. It sounds perfect. It sounds normal.

哪有 听上去很棒 很正常

3. They sound like what we would sound like.


4. So, we have a richer sound, we have a more complex sound.

因此 我们有了更丰富 更多元化的声音

5. It doesn't sound simple; it sounds complicated.

这听起来并不简单 听起来很复杂

6. No, it sounds... it sounds really great.

不是 那個晚宴聽起來很棒

7. All sounds happen because something happened in the world and the things that interacted to cause those sounds to happen also affect the sound.

一切声音都来源于世界上发生的事情 而造成声音相互作用的事物 也会影响声音

8. Absorbing all sound, except for the sound of my voice.

屏蔽所有声音 只让自己听到我说话

9. I've got to be mute because I cannot sound the way I sound.

我得变成哑巴 因为我不能用原来的声音说话



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

