中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [pɔ:k] 美 [pɔ:rk]

n. 猪肉
[医] 猪肉

n. meat from a domestic hog or pig


1. For our lethality test, today's human ogue will be played by a pork shoulder, otherwise known as a pork butt, because pork has four shoulders and two of them are butts.

关于我们的致命性实验 今天由一块猪肩肉来充当人类的替身 也可以被叫做猪臀 因为猪有四个肩膀 其中两个是臀部

2. If you think of pork pies, you wouldn't line a pork pie tin.

比如做猪肉派的时候 也不用给锅刷油

3. pork balls, pork and, under there, we know we've got bean sprouts, pickled turnip.

下面有肉丸 猪肉 我们有豆芽 酱萝卜

4. We got pork chops, rib eyes, this one, tilapia, and pork loins.

我们有猪排 肋眼牛排 这是罗非鱼 还有里脊肉

5. I mean, the good thing, particularly about the sharpness of this apple is that it cuts through any of the oil that might be in the pork, any of the fat in the pork, and balances it out perfectly.

它们俩的确是个好搭配 尤其是苹果清爽的口感 可以穿透猪肉的味道 以及猪肉中脂肪油腻的味道 并与之完美地中和

6. pork and apple is a match made in heaven, so I'm making a scrumptious pork and apple pie but with a very special and a very ancient ingredient called verjus.

猪肉和苹果是天作之合 因此我要做一道美味的猪肉苹果派 但要在里面加入一种十分特殊而古老的 名叫酸果汁的原料

7. This is pork and apple in there and there's some mash too.

这里面有猪肉和苹果 还有些糊糊

8. He doesn't have pork scratchings. I know.

他這沒有炸豬皮 我知道

9. Unfortunately, you're forgetting what pork rinds do to me.

可惜 你忘了我不能吃豬皮

10. That's fine, but I'm getting some of that pork chip.

没事 但我想来些猪"牌"



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

