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音标: 英 [hʌf] 美 [hʌf]

vt. 激怒, 发怒, 提高价格, 吹胀
vi. 吹气, 恫吓, 发怒
n. 发怒

n. a state of irritation or annoyance
v. inhale recreational drugs


1. Or I huff, and I puff, and I burn your house down.

那我就会伐开心 要烧房子

2. I'm sorry, if I don't go now, it's not a huff.

抱歉 如果我现在不走 就不叫愤然了

3. The cop said it. I said huff, not oke.

那个警察说的 我说吸 不是点燃抽

4. The man climbs on board, a huff and a puff and it's over.

男人爬上来 气喘吁吁 两秒钟完事儿

5. Well, if it's my applause you seek, you shouldn't have dashed off in a bloody huff.

如果只是为了寻求我的赞同 那你就不该瞬间跑得无影无踪

6. You can huff and puff, but that house is on supernatural lockdown.

随你怎么吹气 那房子被超自然力量封锁了

7. I mean, dramatically dropping the package down and then stomping off in a huff.

戏剧性地把包裹丢到地上 然后跺脚离场

8. II know I left in a huff, but we moved in here together.

我知道我临走时生气了 但我们是一起搬进来的

9. I saw your girl stomp off a little earlier in quite a huff.


10. The night before her death, when he learned that she was pregnant with your child, he acked her and stormed off in a huff.

她死前的那个晚上 当他得知她怀了你的孩子时 他扇了她 然后愤然离去



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

