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音标: 英 [prɪˈdeɪʃn] 美 [prɪˈdeʃən]


n. the act of preying by a predator who kills and eats the prey


1. It's not him, it's me. I'm the predator here.

不是他 是我自己 我是肉食女

2. Perhaps our predator predator lured him on a different dating site.

也许我们的性猎者猎手 在其他约会网站上引出的他

3. Sharks, tigers, birds of prey predators that eat other predators.

鲨鱼 老虎 猛禽 吃其他掠食者的掠食者

4. So our predators evolved and the most successful predators were the ones best evolved to grab the sweets.

所以捕食者进化了 最成功的捕食者 是进化得最擅长于抓到糖果的

5. They have words for different predators, they have descriptive words for describing the individual features of predators.

它们对不同的掠食者有不同的词 它们用形容词 来描述掠食者的特征

6. He's got bony plates on his skull and over his back here which helps protect him from predators, and also he can crawl inside thorn bushes to run away from predators and not get scratched.

它的头部外和整个背部 都覆有甲冑状原骨质板 能帮助它抵御掠食者的进攻 并能帮助它穿越带刺的灌木丛 逃脱天敌追捕的同时不被刺划伤

7. That's amazing actually, he's come up the nest, beak open, which is something I've never seen before and I guess because he's going into a dark hole there could be a predator in there so he's come up with his beak open ready to basically take on a predator.

太神奇了 它进到巢里面了 喙张开 我以前从未见过这种情景 我猜可能是因为它怕这个黑洞里头 会有捕食者 所以喙张开着进来 准备好防御掠食者的袭击

8. But that wouldn't do for my great predator.


9. And there aren't any predators around here.


10. But it is not the only top predator here.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

