中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['skæmpə(r)] 美 [ˈskæmpɚ]

n. 蹦跳, 奔跑, 浏览
vi. 蹦跳, 奔跑, 浏览

n. rushing about hastily in an undignified way


1. after he got up, climbed out of here and scampered off into the night.

他站起来爬出这里 消失在夜色里

2. And first sign of trouble, you went scampering back.

一瞄见麻烦的苗头 你就立马就躲回去

3. Our brother needs us and you scamper off like a rodent.


4. The sound of someone jumping off the rafters and scampering to the back of the cabin.

有人从椽子上跳下来的声音 逃到了木屋后面

5. Cut out the nonsense. I expect he'll scamper away sooner or later.

别再扯这些没用的了 我觉得迟早他会逃走的

6. Kol's coming to watch my back, so you can just scamper off.

科尔正赶来帮我 你可以消失了

7. They will do what politicians do best: scamper back to their châteaus and wait for things to blow over.

他们会尽一个政客之所能 逃回他们的城堡 等着事情平息

8. It's up to us to protect those adorable little turtles as they scamper their way towards the ocean.

我们得保护这些可爱的小海龟 让它们安全进入海洋

9. It scampers around like a spaniel, and it's got just enough kick to make it comfortable.

它像一条史宾格一样能在路上蹦蹦跳跳 各种配置也能让你开得舒服

10. He thought he might make a pet of it, but after getting his drink, the kitten scampered away, never to be seen again.

他本来想收它做宠物 但喝完它要的水后 猫咪就跑了 再也没人见过



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

