中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['pʌzlɪŋlɪ]

adv. 使迷惑地, 莫明其妙地

adv. In a puzzling manner.


1. He was a puzzling man who loved puzzles.


2. No puzzle is quite so fascinating as the final puzzle.


3. And he puzzled and puzzled, till his puzzler was sore.

他琢磨呀琢磨 还是百思不得其解

4. I'm pretty sure the puzzle stays where the puzzle was completed.

完成拼图时 它肯定留在这里

5. It's just a puzzle, and puzzles are games, and games are fun.

就是个智力问答 而智力问答是游戏 游戏很好玩

6. Furthermore, what we have is a bunch of puzzle pieces that don't even go with this puzzle.

不仅如此 我们掌握的是一堆 根本不属于这个拼图的图块

7. As she pieced the puzzle together, she realized to her astonishment that the image that was formed was her very own room, and the figure in the center of the puzzle, as she completed it, was herself.

当她把碎片拼到一起时 她惊讶地发现 拼成的图像就是她自己的房间 当她完成后 才发现拼图中间的人 是她自己

8. And this old lady who had a passion for jigsaw puzzles sat by herself in her house at her table to complete a new jigsaw puzzle.

有一位热衷拼图游戏的老太太 独自坐在家里的桌子旁 拼着一副新的拼图

9. Look, any way you slice it, there is a puzzle here, and like you're always telling me, the best therapy for you is solving puzzles, so let's solve this one.

听着 无论如何 这都是个谜团 正像你一直跟我说的那样 对你来说最好的治疗办法就是解谜 那我们就来解这个谜吧

10. Each of these messages represents, essentially, a piece of the puzzle, but it's a puzzle that you don't have the box top to, so you don't have the picture in advance, so you don't know what pieces go where.

每条信息本质上都代表着 拼图中的一个图块 但这是个没有参考图片的拼图 所以你预先不知道完整图形的样子 你不知道哪块拼图该放到哪儿



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

