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音标: 英 [ɪ'vɒlv] 美 [ɪˈvɑlv]

vi. 进展, 进化, 展开
vt. 使发展, 使推断出, 使进化

v. work out
v. undergo development or evolution


1. Primates evolve over millions of years. I evolve in seconds.

灵长动物进化了千百万年 我进化只需几秒

2. So our predators evolved and the most successful predators were the ones best evolved to grab the sweets.

所以捕食者进化了 最成功的捕食者 是进化得最擅长于抓到糖果的

3. If life evolved in that sealed ocean, then it must have evolved separately from life on our planet.

若从那片暗洋中进化出生命 那么进化过程 一定与我们星球上的有所不同

4. Cats are still evolving and probably will still evolve into the future, becoming much more petlike animals, and will lose some of those wild instincts because many of those things don't actually serve them very well in the 21st century.

猫猫们依然在进化 可能在将来也会继续进化 变得更像一只宠物 并且会丧失一些野性本能 因为大部分野性本能在21世纪 已经不适用了

5. Then we evolved into this and we lived.

然后我们人类进化成现代人 活了下来

6. But it has to evolve, become my own.

万物都是在变化的 我成了我自己

7. No, I don't. I think you're evolved.

不是 我是觉得你成长了

8. We know that because he was evolving.


9. The study is evolving, as these things do.

研究现在有所变化 这种项目经常这样

10. I've grown, evolved, and you can too.

我成熟 进化 你们也可以



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

