中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 高迪(西班牙著名建筑师)

n. Spanish architect who was a leading exponent of art nouveau in Europe (1852-1926)


1. It's the gaudy entertainment for the masses.


2. And this earring was gaudy, with rhinestones and stuff.

而且那个耳环很花哨 上面镶着水钻之类的东西

3. What have you got? It's a bit gaudy, mate.

再看看你的车 太俗气了 伙计

4. You don't take over the world with gaudy displays of violence.


5. Come, let us have one other gaudy night.

来 让我们痛痛快快乐它一晚

6. A gaudy hillock of overheated milk atop a thimble's worth of coffee.

把过热的奶泡打造成俗气的土堆型 放在一丁点咖啡上端

7. You may purchase a coat of arms and deck out your servants in gaudy livery.

精致的纹章 给仆人也制备俗丽的号服

8. One so... gaudy, so outlandishly difficult to bring down that my replacement would certainly fail.

一个华而不实的 非常不易被扳倒的 能让接替我的人失败的目标

9. He was the son of two bohemian artists and grew up indifferent to the gaudy glamour that surrounded him.

父母都是波西米亚艺术家 他的成长过程与周围的浮华格格不入

10. You can find him in the penthouse of the gaudy new construction on c , and while you two are catching up, be sure to ask him about the prophetic vision he showed me of our family's spectacular downfall.

你可以在河邊那幢花哨公寓的 頂層找到他 在你們倆小聚的時候 一定要問問他關于 我們家族迅速衰落的預言



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

