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音标: 英 [ˈvelvətɪ] 美 [ˈvɛlvɪtɪ]

a. 像天鹅绒的, 轻软光滑的, 柔和的, 平和的

s smooth and soft to sight or hearing or touch or taste
s resembling velvet in having a smooth soft surface


1. Rich and velvety with light notes of caramel.

浓郁丝滑 还带有焦糖的香气

2. She thinks you're gonna be a dapper silver fox with a velvety baritone.

她觉得你会成为一个衣冠楚楚 有着温柔男中音的银发老人

3. I just watch that velvety mouth move and think about it all in my nooks and crannies.

我只是看着他柔软的嘴唇一开一合 然后在我的脑海深处好好回味

4. All I know is he has these piercing emerald eyes and the ooth, velvety lips of a sex angel.

我只知道他有着一双锐利的翠绿色眼睛 还有像性感天使一样光滑柔软的嘴唇

5. I want to see avocados to the ceiling in here to make, you know, all that delicious, tangy, velvety guacamole.

我想看到这里制造的牛油果长到天花板 所有美味的 香气扑鼻的 光滑柔软的牛油果酱

6. These mushrooms are a highly versatile variety, which have a velvety skin, firm texture and a rich, peppery flavour.

这些蘑菇种类繁多 有绒状的表皮 结实的质感和浓郁的辣味

7. You should see the velvety professor thing he gets to wear around his neck at every graduation ceremony.

你应该看每次毕业典礼上 他脖子上围着的天鹅绒教授的东西

8. In medieval times, posset was a drink split and curdled by lemon juice, but today the sugar stabilises it into a mousselike, velvety texture.

在中世纪 牛乳酒这种饮料 是使用柠檬汁作为凝固剂的 现在多加入了糖 就形成了慕斯状 质地十分光滑柔软



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