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音标: 英 ['ɡærɑ:ʒ] 美 [ɡəˈrɑʒ, -ˈrɑdʒ]

n. 车库, 汽车修理厂, 机库
vt. 把车送入修车场

n. an outbuilding (or part of a building) for housing automobiles
n. a repair shop where cars and trucks are serviced and repaired
v. keep or store in a garage


1. The ham's in the garage because I want it in the garage.


2. I go to a garage to pick up blow and grab a garage door opener.

我去车库拿 和车库的遥控钥匙

3. And we are searching his residence and searching the garage near his residence because we now know that the garage was part of the crime scene.

目前我们正在搜查他的住处 以及附近的那个车库 因为现在我们知道了车库是案发现场之一

4. It's in the garage with all his stuff.


5. If you're gonna do that, do that in the garage.

如果你要组乐队 就在车库里排练

6. The wine is out there. It's in the garage.

酒放在那里 冰箱在车库

7. They... are... being serviced. In the garage.

车... 在修呢 在车库里

8. How about this? and I have some gear in the garage.

不如這樣 車庫裏還有好多裝備呢

9. Alex, this is the feed from the garage.

艾丽克丝 这是停车场的监控记录

10. We have another freezer? In the garage.

我们还有一个冰箱吗 在车库里



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

