中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ə'bleɪz] 美 [əˈblez]

a. 着火的, 闪亮的, 激昂的
adv. 着火, 闪耀

s. keenly excited (especially sexually) or indicating excitement
s. lighted up by or as by fire or flame
s. resembling flame in brilliance or color
s. lighted with red light as if with flames


1. Till all the west Indies are ablaze.


2. You hear me now, this island ablaze.

我说过了 这座岛硝烟弥漫

3. With no fire hot enough to set them ablaze.

没有大火 没法点燃熔炉

4. So this is the boy who sets my mother's heart ablaze.

这就是那个 让我母亲兴奋不已的男孩

5. Pile up all his tasteful teak furnishings and set them ablaze.

把他的高档木制家具堆起来 一次烧干净

6. The whole of the dock area is ablaze but he's refusing to leave.

整个码头都是一片火海 但他却不肯走

7. It wants to set the train ablaze, and all it needs is a spark.

它想点燃整个列车 而它只需要一个小火花

8. Just waiting for a whiff of us so she can set those guns ablaze.

只等我们稍有动静 它就会向我们开炮

9. Flint will stop at nothing till all the west Indies are ablaze.

除非整个西印度群岛毁灭 否则弗林特不会善罢甘休的

10. Different substances, when they're set ablaze, they can create a different class of oke.

不同的物质 点燃之后 能产生不同类型的烟



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

