中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['ɡælɪ] 美 [ˈɡælɪ]

n. 战舰, 军舰

n. a large medieval vessel with a single deck propelled by sails and oars with guns at stern and prow; a complement of 1,000 men; used mainly in the Mediterranean for war and trading
n. (classical antiquity) a crescent-shaped seagoing vessel propelled by oars
n. the kitchen area for food preparation on an airliner
n. the area for food preparation on a ship


1. No, that's why I got the galleys, the original, uncorrected galleys of his book.

所以我拿了样本来 他的书最初没校对的样本

2. Here we have the galley, that's the pantry.

這裏就是廚房了 那是食品儲藏室

3. Only this time you won't be sent to the galleys.


4. It's not the hardship of the galleys that I dread the most.


5. Yamato was cooking in the galley, directly above it.

大和在厨房做饭 就在它上面

6. Shit, I was going to ask him where the galley was.

该死的 我正要问他厨房在哪

7. I was next to the galley, it's kind of noisy.

我的座位在厨房旁边 有点吵

8. There are monkeys, freaking monkeys in the galley.

有猴子 厨房里 有猴子

9. And a spoon for Issy to bite on. In the galley.

再找个勺子让伊兹咬着 厨房有

10. Fortunately, there's a surprise waiting in the galley.

还好 厨房里有个惊喜在等着



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

