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音标: 英 ['klɪpə(r)] 美 [ˈklɪpɚ]

n. 大剪刀
[电] 截割器

n. a fast sailing ship used in former times
n. shears for cutting grass or shrubbery (often used in the plural)
n. scissors for cutting hair or finger nails (often used in the plural)


1. Get the clippers and shave this fella.

拿推子 给这个小家伙剃毛

2. They're poodle clippers, but I use them on me as well.

是给贵宾犬剃毛用的 不过我也用它给自己剪发

3. He's the most powerful baron with the biggest clipper force.

他是最有势力的领主 手下的剪刀军也最大

4. It's just that you might want to invest in some hedge clippers.


5. And no one is takin' scissor or clipper to it anytime soon.


6. We tested your clippers, the ones you use to groom the dogs.

我们检查了你的剪刀 你用来给狗修毛的剪刀

7. The one before that featured eight clippers in full sail.

再上一次 是八艘帆船滿帆競航

8. Next time you feel the urge to pick up a pair of clippers, don't.

你下一次需要理发的时候 别再剪成这样了

9. We will go downstream and catch the first clipper south.

我们顺流而下 乘第一班快船南行

10. Didn't find the hedge clippers, but I did find this weirdass butterfly net.

找不着修篱剪刀了 不过我倒是找到了这个奇怪的捕蝴蝶网



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

