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音标: 英 [ˈmʌskjələtʃə(r)] 美 [ˈmʌskjələˌtʃʊr]

n. 肌肉系统
[医] 肌肉系统

n the muscular system of an organism


1. From the look of his musculature, I'd say both.

从他的肌肉组织来看 这两点应该都是原因

2. Pockets of air can build up between the musculature and the epidermis.

少量空气有时会积累在 肌肉组织和表皮之间

3. Danny's far too conceptual for mortal musculature to comprehend.

丹尼的概念太抽象 俗体肌肉无法理解

4. But to dissect the fascia and reflect the musculature off the face takes time and patience.

但是要切断脸上的 筋膜和肌肉反射神经 需要一定时间和耐心

5. Well, her facial musculature was slack, which means that she wasn't suffering at the moment of death.

她的面部肌肉很松弛 也就说明她在死亡的那一刻并未受苦

6. Most of the stress on your shoulders and glutes, two of the larger sets of musculature in the body.

大部分压力都位于肩膀和臀部 这是人体中两处较大的肌肉组织

7. Healthy musculature, skin pallor consistent on legs, arms and abdomen.

肌肉组织健康 腿 手臂与腹部皮肤苍白

8. The musculature of your legs and your shoulders suggests a certain elasticity I find quite tantalizing.

你的腿部肌肉 和肩膀所体现出的弹性 让我觉得 很诱人

9. That's 'cause they're trapped in an air pocket or under something heavy that hasn't actually compressed their musculature.

那是因为他们是被困在了气窝当中 或者是那些重物其实并没有压到他们的 肌肉系统

10. Severelyburned bodies tend to split along lines of musculature, but that looks like an incision.

严重烧伤的尸体会顺着肌肉组织线条裂开 可这个看上去像是切口



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