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音标: 英 [trænˈzɪʃn] 美 [trænˈzɪʃən, -ˈsɪʃ-]

n. 转变, 转换, 变迁, 过渡时期, 临时转调
[化] 跃迁

n. a change from one place or state or subject or stage to another
n. a musical passage moving from one key to another
n. a passage that connects a topic to one that follows
v. cause to convert or undergo a transition


1. I know the transition out of here can be as tricky as the transition in.

你刚离开戒毒所的日子 会和刚进来那段时间一样难熬

2. True. It's not in transit now, but it might be in transit any minute.

的确 现在确实不在飞 但随时可能起飞

3. How and when you transition is about you.

做不做以及何时做变性手术 决定权在你

4. No, because it was before I transitioned.

不 因为那是在我变性之前拍的

5. They say when one person in a family transitions, everyone transitions.

人们说当一位家庭成员开始转变 其他人也会随之转变

6. I think social transition is probably the hardest part of transitioning.

我认为社会身份的转变 可能是变性过程中最艰难的部分

7. It was only one I was about 21 that I realised that I was trans and that I wanted to transition, or needed to transition.

问题只有一个 我21岁时 意识到自己是个跨性别者 我想变性 或者说我需要变性

8. The transition for me going into prison was, like, unlike any other transition I ever had to deal with.

我进监狱的转变是 不像以往其他我必须去处理的转变

9. A lot of people like to get hung up on the medical side of transition, but socially transitioning is the thing that's really made the biggest difference to my life, because it allows me to live authentically and be who I am.

很多人会更注重生理方面的转变 但社会身份的转变 才真正改变了我的生活 因为那让我真实地活着 做我自己

10. That's what happens when you're in transition.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

