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音标: 英 [ˈmæntɪs] 美 ['mæntɪs]

n. 螳螂

n. predacious long-bodied large-eyed insect of warm regions; rests with forelimbs raised as in prayer


1. The praying mantis can kill any of a multitude of creatures, but the most interesting fact is that oftentimes the female mantis engages in sexual cannibali , meaning she'll bite off the head of her mate once copulation is complete, sometimes even during intercourse, actually.

螳螂能杀死许多生物 但有个最有趣的现象 即雌性螳螂 经常会性食同类 就是说她在交配完成后 会立刻咬下配偶的头部 有时甚至在交配过程中就会行动

2. mantis, they're right. I can't do this.

螳螂 他们是对的 我做不到

3. A fraction of a second after the mantis strikes.


4. All right, zombie mantis, it's either you or me.

僵尸螳螂 要么你死 要么我亡

5. This praying mantis is trying to attract a mate.


6. mantis shrimps are one of the more houseproud residents on the reef.

虾蛄是大堡礁中 最以屋为豪的居民之一

7. This mantis is far too large for any single spider to attack.

这只螳螂太大了 任何一只蜘蛛都不是它的对手

8. You're that jewelry thief, the one who left in nothing but his manties.

你是那个珠宝大盗 那个只剩条 的家伙

9. To study, to practice, to absorb all the lessons of the mantis, for there are many.

不断学习 实践 学习螳螂能教你的一切 因为有很多值得学习的

10. In fact, mantis shrimps have earned themselves a reputation for being somewhat illtempered.

实际上 虾蛄的这种行为 为自己赢得了火爆脾气的名声



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

