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[医] 浮游生物的

a. of or relating to plankton


1. There, they will feed on the abundant plankton.

在那里 可以捕食到充足的浮游生物

2. Gideon, we've been at this for hours with nothing to show for it but plankton.

吉迪恩 我们已经找了好几个小时了 除了浮游生物什么都没看到

3. It swims slowly, gently harvesting the plankton.

它游动缓慢 温和地进食浮游生物

4. Plankton are the basis of the entire food chain in this alien world.

在这个异世界中 浮游生物位于食物链的最底端

5. You know, make you talk to the microscopic plankton that whales eat.

就是让你们和那种一闪一闪的大鲸鱼吃的 小虾米聊天

6. I'm using music to stimulate a colony of nocturnal art plankton.

我在利用音乐 一个夜间活动的浮游生物群

7. They've followed the cycle of the plankton blooms since life on earth began.

自从地球上有生命之后 它们便随着浮游生物繁殖周期而变化

8. No, anything below cat or dog, snail, cockroach, plankton they're mildly indifferent to me.

沒有 其他比貓狗更小的動物 像蝸牛 蟑螂 甚至是浮游生物 他們也都選擇無視我

9. Out in the open ocean, they hatch into larvae and become part of the vast plankton soup.

在广阔的海洋中 鱼卵孵化出仔鱼 并加入了巨大的浮游生物群

10. Moisture evaporating from the ocean condenses around tiny particles created by the plankton.

海洋中蒸发的水分 在浮游生物创造的小颗粒周围冷凝



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