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音标: 英 [ˈbɪljədz] 美 [ˈbɪljədz]

n. 台球, 桌球

n. any of several games played on rectangular cloth-covered table (with cushioned edges) in which long tapering cue sticks are used to propel ivory (or composition) balls


1. I'll be triumphant in billiards before the end of your stay.

在你离开之前 我一定能成为台球大师

2. It's mom or dad in the billiard room with the candlestick.

是 妈或者爸爸对着蜡烛独坐在小黑屋里吧

3. Teddy, please, please don't. I gave up billiards.

泰迪 拜托别这样 我不打台球了

4. See, that's the third time that you've guessed the billiard room.

这是你第三次 猜台球室了

5. I'm the one wielding a pool cue or a stool, if the bar doesn't have billiards.

我是会用台球杆回击的 或者用凳子 如果酒吧没有台球的话

6. Going to town and playing billiards and drinking whiskey aren't harmless.

去城里打打台球 喝喝威士忌并非无伤大雅

7. Yeah, we're in a very remote place, but there's a satellite phone in the billiard room.

这里很偏 台球室有部卫星电话

8. He went out to play billiards tonight, and this is the time he usually comes home.

他今晚去打桌球了 这个时候他一般都会回家了

9. Hermie says that if business doesn't pick up in here, he's gonna turn this place into a billiards store.

赫米说如果生意还不见起色的话 他就要把这儿变成台球厅了

10. and a billiard table, surrounded by fine tapestries, gold ithery, damasks, and expensive artworks, but who also takes the time, and energy at night to babysit a disabled boy.

还有一个台球桌 四周被精美的挂毯围绕着 包括金器 锦缎 以及价值连城的艺术品 但是他仍耗费心力 在深夜去照顾一个残疾的孩子



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

