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音标: 英 [səʊləraɪ'zeɪʃən] 美 [soʊləraɪ'zeɪʃən]

n. 负感作用, 晒
[医] 日晒, 曝晒

n. exposure to the rays of the sun


1. It's a solar router feeding the whole factory with solar power.


2. What we see in our own solar system is the result of a lot of unlikely or random events, and so our solar system is unique.

如今我们的太阳系 就是种种不可能或随机事件的结果 那也恰恰让我们变得独一无二

3. But also, as we move into other solar systems and we understand more about other solar systems, maybe life could be more abundant than we thought.

但同样 当我们转而研究类太阳系 当我们更加了解类太阳系 或许生命会比我们想象的更普遍

4. She's gotta convert solar radiation the same as you, so I am having the satellite scan for your solar signature and eliminate every place we know you've been.

她会像你一样转换太阳辐射 所以我用卫星专门给你扫射太阳辐射 排除你去过的所有地方

5. This is an orrery, a clockwork model of the solar system, and for most of the last four centuries this has been the way we think about the planets in the solar system.

这是太阳系仪 太阳系的机械模型 在过去的四百年里 大部分时间 我们都以为太阳系行星就是这样的

6. While an initial solar panel investment may deter some of us, it's reassuring to know that the cost of solar is currently dropping at a rate of 30% per year.

太阳能板的先期投入可能会让人犹豫 不过令人安心的是 太阳能的成本 正在以每年30%的速度下降

7. Here is where we observe the solar vibrations.


8. But this on its own does not explain solar storms.


9. There was a solar flare on his mission.


10. We'll update further after the solar flare.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

