中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [pɔ:(r)] 美 [pɔ:r]

a. 贫穷的, 贫乏的, 不幸的, 可怜的, 拙劣的, 卑鄙的
[经] 低劣的, 不良的

a. having little money or few possessions
a. characterized by or indicating poverty
a. lacking in specific resources, qualities or substances
s. unsatisfactory


1. And yet the poor are poor on every shore.

然而不論在哪個國家 窮人還是貧窮

2. Imagine you were born in a poor family, in a poor city, in a poor country, and by the time you were 28 years old, you have so much money you can't even count it.

假设你生于贫穷的家庭 在一个贫穷的城市 贫穷的国家 而在你28岁时 你拥有数不过来的钱

3. And these poor, poor children need our guidance more than anything.

这些可怜的小孩 无比需要我们的指引

4. poor clothing and poor circulation play a part.


5. Some of you are here because of your poor grades, poor attendance, disciplinary reasons, or all of the above.

你们有些人来这里是因为成绩差 出勤率低 纪律原因 或以上皆是

6. And we were poor, so we did what we had to.

我们当时很穷 所以我们不得不那么做

7. That really means that people in poor countries today will be much better off in the future, so there will still be some poor people, relatively speaking, but compared to today's poor people, they'll be actually quite welloff.

这意味着如今贫困国家的人民 未来的日子会更好 相对而言 那个时候还是会有穷人的存在 但是同今天的穷人相比 他们实际上是更加富裕的

8. Oh, you poor, poor girl who had such a terrible mother all her life.

你这个可怜的姑娘 有着这么一个不称职的母亲

9. 'cause we're not just sending poor kids to prison, we're saddling poor kids with court fees, with probation and parole restrictions, with lowlevel warrants, we're asking them to live in halfway houses and on house arrest, and we're asking them to negotiate a police force that is entering poor communities of color, not for the purposes of promoting public safety, but to make arrest counts, to line city coffers.

我們不僅僅把孩子們關進了監獄 我們讓這些可憐的孩子背上了庭審債務 限制了他們的人身自由 刻上社會底層的烙印 我們要求他們住在安置所 軟禁他們 要求他們定期與督察匯報 讓他們走進了戴有色眼鏡看人的社會 這樣做不但沒有促進公共安全 反而增加了監禁率 把整個城市都變成了收容所

10. Congratulations, gentlemen, you may think you're poor, but you are not poor enough to have a public defender.

恭喜了 先生们 或许你们自以为穷 但还没有穷到能用公设辩护律师



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

