中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [teɪp] 美 [tep]

n. 带子, 录音带, 磁带, 窄带, 卷尺
vt. 以带子绑起, 测量, 录音
[计] 带

n. a long thin piece of cloth or paper as used for binding or fastening
n. a recording made on magnetic tape
n. the finishing line for a foot race
n. measuring instrument consisting of a narrow strip (cloth or metal) marked in inches or centimeters and used for measuring lengths


1. All right, there are tapes and tapes of this stuff.

好了 有超级多这方面的磁带

2. I know he played a tape, but I don't remember the tape.

我记得他放了一段录音 但我不记得录音的内容了

3. He hadhe was stuffing tape into his mouth, audio tape.

他...他在往嘴里塞带子 录音带

4. And we got the tape back, the final bootleg tape.

我们把录音带追回来了 最后的盗录带

5. Or it would be on that tape, and it's not.

否则一定会在录像带上展示出来的 但实际并没有

6. When he heard my tape, he told me he'd burn the tapes if I wanted him to.

他听了我的磁带后 告诉我如果我想 他可以把磁带烧了

7. Please don't give this tape to your friends anymore, the tape of the movie.

不要把这碟给你的朋友了 这张电影碟

8. Or instead of a sex tape, we'll be making a snuff tape of me murdering you.

要是不拍情 錄像 我就拍一段把你剁碎的殺人視頻

9. I made a promise, to see to it that everyone on the tapes hears the tapes.

我承诺她的 看着带子上的每一个人听这些带子

10. It's the celebrity sex tape to end all celebrity sex tapes.

这是前无古人后无来者的名人 录像



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

