中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [pɪn] 美 [pɪn]

n. 大头针, 针, 别针, 栓, 销子, 图钉, 插头, 管脚, 品(液量单位)
vt. 将...用针别住, 钉住, 压住, 牵制, 使不能动, 归罪于
a. 针的, 销子的, 闩的

n. a piece of jewelry that is pinned onto the wearer's garment
n. informal terms for the leg
n. cylindrical tumblers consisting of two parts that are held in place by springs; when they are aligned with a key the bolt can be thrown
n. flagpole used to mark the position of the hole on a golf green


1. That's not a rolling pin. It is a rolling pin.

完全不像擀面杖 它是擀面杖

2. Help! I'm pinned! I was immediately pinned.

救命 我被压住了 我瞬间就被压住了

3. If they had pinned that on him, it would have been over.

如果再摊上这个罪责 他就前途尽毁了

4. pin my bow tie on me, and I'd pin a little yellow corsage on her.

帮我戴好领结 我帮她戴上小小的胸花

5. So now that you have the skin flaps there, you're gonna wanna pin them down with your dissecting pins, which I'm clearly out of at the moment.

剪开肚皮后 我们要把它用解剖针 固定起来 我这里没有解剖针了

6. We've got one guy pinned by the cable drum and his brother pinned down by the same cable at the other end of the crane.

有个人卡在钢缆绞盘里了 他的弟弟也被那条钢缆 缠在了塔吊另一端

7. A torque wrench is inserted into the key way, in such a fashion as to push the pin upward to unlock a pin code.

扭力扳手插入钥匙孔 向上推开弹子 来解锁

8. So far, we've put a pin in your childhood, a pin in how you started your career, but we've talked endlessly about how tall I am and how I flare my nostrils when I speak.

目前为止 标注的有你的童年 你如何开始的职业生涯 但我们谈了很多关于我有多高 以及我说话时会张开鼻孔的事

9. It makes the driver pins jump and the key pins jar, and it gives you just enough time to turn the core, open the lock.

钥匙卡口和弹子对上 给你足够的时间拧锁芯 打开锁

10. I was pinned down, but you could have helped him.

我被人按住了 但你本可以救他的



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

