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音标: 英 [li:k] 美 [lik]

n. 韭

n. plant having a large slender white bulb and flat overlapping dark green leaves; used in cooking; believed derived from the wild Allium ampeloprasum
n. related to onions; white cylindrical bulb and flat dark-green leaves


1. Spoon in the potato, leek and cheese mix.

将搅拌好的土豆 韭葱和干酪在锅内铺平

2. So we've got our leeks, our shallots, our garlic all sweating down there.

把韭葱 冬葱 大蒜都加进锅里

3. She puts leeks in it and and little bits of pancetta.

她放了青葱在里面 还有一点点培根

4. Corn and leek quiche with a fried sage garnish.

玉米韭葱乳蛋饼 配有煎鼠尾草装饰

5. They make an asparagus and leek egg white quiche.


6. Tie flavourenhancing leek and celery together with string.


7. In addition, we have a potato leek soup, and the fish of the day is halibut.

除此之外 我们还有马铃薯韭菜汤 今日供应比目鱼

8. Chicken with a side of dauphinoise and a pop of leek in bacon sauce.

鸡肉烤土豆 配韭葱佐培根汁

9. So start off with some oked bacon, shallots, leeks, caramelize that down and then hit it with cream.

从一些烟熏培根 青葱 韭葱开始着手 把它们炸至焦糖色 然后挤一层奶油

10. The scallops are served with oked mussels, griddled squid and a chard leek puree.

扇贝搭配熏贻贝 煎鱿鱼 还有甜菜韭葱酱



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