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音标: 英 [p'reɪɪŋ] 美 [p'reɪɪŋ]

a. 捕食性的;掠夺的

v profit from in an exploitatory manner
v prey on or hunt for


1. When you fall prey to errors, you become prey.

一旦你屈从于错误 你的存在就成为了错误

2. Long grass may hide a tigress from her prey, but it also hides the prey from her.

茂盛的草丛可以使雌虎避开猎物的视线 但也隐藏了猎物的踪迹

3. Pursuit predators expend energy running down slower prey, or they pace themselves and let their prey tire out.

捕食者会消耗能量去追捕跑得较慢的猎物 或者调整自己的速度 让猎物筋疲力尽

4. You preyed on me and my empathy for you.

你利用我 利用我对你的共鸣

5. There are hunters, and there are prey.

这世上有猎人 也有猎物

6. She's a bird of prey and that's her perch.

她是猛禽 这里就是她休息的地方

7. Tonight, we are the hunters, and they are they prey.

今晚 我们是猎人 他们是猎物

8. I won't risk her falling prey to him.


9. But in the lakes, there was little prey.

但在这些湖里 猎物很少

10. Better to be where your prey is going than where it's been.

与其跟着猎物跑 不如守在它曾出没的地方



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

