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音标: 英 ['fri:ɪŋ] 美 ['fri:ɪŋ]

[计] 释放

n the act of liberating someone or something
v grant freedom to; free from confinement
v relieve from
v remove or force out from a position
v grant relief or an exemption from a rule or requirement to
v make (information) available for publication
v free from obligations or duties
v free or remove obstruction from
v let off the hook
v part with a possession or right
v release (gas or energy) as a result of a chemical reaction or physical decomposition
v make (assets) available


1. Free of loneliness, free of poverty, free of strife.

沒有孤獨 沒有貧窮 沒有衝突

2. Charlie can't free you. I can't free you.

查理不能让你自由 我不能让你自由

3. Gluten free, dairy free, sugar free, fat free technically, they might not actually exist.

无麸质 无乳 无糖 无脂 可以说是根本不存在了

4. Your whole life, they told you you were free, and when they said that, they meant you were free to cook their food, free to raise children, their children, free to work for them.

你的一生 他们都告诉你你是自由的 当他们这么说时 他们的意思是你可以自由地替他们做饭 自由地抚养孩子 他们的孩子 自由地替他们工作

5. They say that to women like us because they know what happens when we are free, free to hate when we must, free to kill when we must, free to bring destruction when we must.

他们对我们这类女人说这些 是因为他们知道当我们自由时会发生什么 我们该恨就恨 该杀就杀 该破坏就破坏

6. You've got friends, and you've got free time, and that means with your friends that free and friendly with your friends and free time friendly, free time, friends, yeah, friends.

你有朋友 又有自由时间 这意味着和你的朋友一起 自由 友好的朋友 还有友好的自由时间 自由时间 朋友 朋友

7. Free from responsibility, free from blame, free to stake your claim wherever you see fit.

无需承担责任 无需遭人指责 随便你在什么地方发表高谈阔论

8. But we would be free free to preach and baptize again.

但我们会重获自由... 能够再一次自由布道和施洗

9. is that only by freeing capital do you free the world.

只有解放了资本 你才能解放世界

10. If a thing can be free, it should be free.

如果一样东西能够自由 就该自由



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

