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音标: 英 [ˈtraɪəl] 美 [ˈtraɪəl, traɪl]

n. 审判, 试验, 艰苦, 麻烦事, 考验
a. 审讯的, 试验性的

n. trying something to find out about it
n. (law) the determination of a person's innocence or guilt by due process of law
n. (sports) a preliminary competition to determine qualifications
n. an annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event


1. It was a fair trial, a wellpublicized trial.


2. There are civil trials and there are criminal trials.

有民事审判 也有刑事审判

3. But I look forward to a trial a hardhitting trial.

但是我更期盼走向庭审 来一场强硬的审判

4. The trial's in here, it's not out there.

审判是在法庭里 不在外面的媒体那里

5. But there is a trial, clinical trial, that, uh, might be beneficial.

但是有个试验 临床试验 也许有点用

6. You never told us a trial is no different from any other trial.


7. So I decided we'd go for a fasttrack trial to separate the two trials.

所以我们打算走快速庭审的程序 来让他们分开开庭

8. I'd like his trial testimony taken now before the trial even starts.

我希望在开庭前 录取口供

9. Until your trial's over, unless you want to tell me what happened that night, and we avoid a trial altogether.

到监视期结束为止 除非你愿意告诉我那晚到底发生了什么 那我们一起省事了

10. No. I'm going to finish my questioning, and you can move to suppress it at trial, if we get to trial, which we won't.

不行 让我问完问题 如果举行庭审 虽然这不会发生 你可以在庭审中请求排除证据



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

