中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ɪ'neptlɪ] 美 [ɪ'neptlɪ]

adv. 不适当, 不符合要求, 不恰当, 不合场面, 笨拙, 愚蠢, 无能, 不称职

r. with ineptitude; in an incompetent manner
r. in an infelicitous manner


1. I swear I'm not usually this technologically inept.


2. I'm socially inept, but even I know that.

我不善交际 但连都我看得出来

3. He's so mechanically inept, he can't change a fuse.

他笨手笨脚的 连保险丝都换不了

4. Your approach was stubborn, stupid, and tactically inept.

你的行为不仅固执而且愚蠢 完全无战略可言

5. At best, I look like an inept .

往好了说 人们当我是不知情的笨蛋

6. Fortunately for us, the crematorium did a completely inept job.

幸运的是 火葬场的工作 做得太不到位了

7. It's about a shy introvert, socially inept, suggestible child.

这是一名害羞内向 缺乏社交能力 容易受影响的孩子

8. Yeah, he thought I was either unwilling or too inept to handle my assignment.

知道 他觉得我不愿意 或者无法完成我的任务

9. But sometimes I come on too strong, like a socially inept dork.

但有时我的攻势太猛烈了 就像个社交

10. He's dumb, he's rude, he's politically ignorant, he's violent, he's socially inept.

他又蠢又粗鲁 对 一无所知 还暴力 不懂社交



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

