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音标: 英 [ˈbʊlhɔ:n] 美 [ˈbʊlˌhɔrn]

n. 手提式电子扩音器

n. a portable loudspeaker with built-in microphone and amplifier


1. She's the bullhorn you don't have to hold.


2. Got his daughter down here, put her on the bullhorn.

他的女儿在我们这边 对着扩音器

3. I won't be able to go out there with a bullhorn, and calm everybody down.

我就不能再拿着个扩音器上去 指望他们平静下来了

4. A hostage negotiator is currently communicating via bullhorn.


5. Sir, I'm gonna need you to put down the bullhorn, please.

先生 请你把喇叭放下来

6. Well, if she wasn't planning on coming, she should've given me the bullhorn.

如果她没打算来 就应该把扩音器给我

7. Directors needed stamina, leadership, fiscal responsibility, so men were given the bullhorn.

做导演需要好体力 领导才能 担得起财务责任 所以扩音器被交到了男人手上

8. We'll make it sound like a cop with a bullhorn by refracting the sound waves over the varied textures and curvatures of early pottery.

我们利用声波在早期陶器的 不同材质和曲率下的折射 制造警察手持扩音器喊话的声音

9. End of the year you were always a hot head and a rabblerouser, too eager for a moan and a bullhorn when a moment's contemplation might have brought you some perspective.

你说到底就是个急性子 好 的家伙 就急着发牢骚 哪怕停下来仔细想一刻 也能看得更清楚点



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

