中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['weivfɔ:m]

[计] 波形

n the shape of a wave illustrated graphically by plotting the values of the period quantity against time


1. Well, assuming there are waveforms to interpret at all.


2. Karl predicted that the waveforms would be similar.

卡尔曾预测 我们的波形相似

3. That noise is some kind of electromagnetic subspace waveform.

那个噪音是某种 子空间电磁波

4. Krumitz, I want you to run a waveform ysis on those audio files.

克鲁米兹 你去给 这些音频做波形分析

5. A hammer hits a string, causing a vibration which spreads out as a waveform.

拿音锤敲击琴弦 引起振动 声音以波的形式传播

6. Uh, based on just the waveform readings and the wattage output, it's, uh, something powerful, uh, but portable.

根据波形数据和输出的瓦特数判断 那玩意儿功率很大 但又很轻便

7. However, I should be able to interpret the waveforms of at least binary responses, so that's left and right, yes and no, stuff like that.

不过 至少我解读 二进制反应的波形应该没问题 就是左右 是否之类的

8. Given today's events, it is interesting that hafnium can be made to release a bomblike charge when struck with a specific waveform.

对于今天的情况来讲 有趣的是 铪可以被制造成类似于炸弹的东西 可以由特定的波形引爆



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