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音标: 英 [ˈmʌnθlɪ] 美 [ˈmʌnθlɪ]

n. 月刊
a. 每月的, 每月一次的

n. a periodical that is published every month (or 12 issues per year)
s. of or occurring or payable every month
r. occurring once a month


1. Williams would have been alone for month after month after month.


2. I won't have it next month or the month after.

别说下月 再下个月也还不上

3. We did that last month and the month before that.


4. 13 months, 14, 13 months, 14 months.

13个月 14... 13个月前

5. Michelle tells their story to voters month after month after month.

米歇尔对选民们讲述他们的故事 月复一月 不曾停歇

6. And it's tough, actually, because you spend day in, day out with these animals for months and months and months.

其实这不简单 因为你和这些动物日复一日地待在一起 长达数月

7. We're on the cover this month, but... next month it could be you.

我们本月上了封面 但下个月就可以是你

8. Yeah, and then they'll add another six months and then another six months and another six months after that.

是吗 之后他们会再加六个月 再加六个月 然后再加六个月

9. Six months. ...six months doing this probation.

是六个月 六个月缓刑期

10. I can't feed them day after day, month after month.

我不能日復一日月復一月地 喂飽他們



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

