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音标: 英 [wɔ:(r)] 美 [wɔr]

n. 战争, 战争状态, 战术, 军事, 冲突, 斗争, 竞争
vi. 进行战争, 作战, 打仗, 战斗
a. 战争的, 战时用的

n. the waging of armed conflict against an enemy
n. a legal state created by a declaration of war and ended by official declaration during which the international rules of war apply
n. an active struggle between competing entities
n. a concerted campaign to end something that is injurious


1. which is no war. which is no war.

永远不会发生 永远不会发生

2. You have a war to fight a bad war, a stupid war.

您就要开战了 一场恶战 愚蠢的战争

3. The war... the war doesn't end over there.

战争 战争并不结束于此

4. In war. It's different in war. It's not the same.

那是战争 在战争中杀人是不一样的

5. But more war... isn't the answer to war.


6. But we don't know if this war really happened or if it's a war that sums up all wars.

但我们不知道这场战争是否真实发生过 或许这是所有战争的缩影

7. But it just seems we can't ever stop fighting war after war after war.

但似乎在一次又一次次的战争之后 我们根本无法停止

8. Only people who have been to war understand war.


9. Yeah, I'm fighting a war and that's how war is.

我在打仗 战场就是这么残酷

10. Yeah, they had nightmares about a war and then there was a war.

他们做了关于战争的噩梦 于是就发生了战争



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

