中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˌæntɪmaɪ'krəʊbɪəl] 美 [ˌæntɪmaɪ'kroʊbɪrl]

a. 抗菌的
n. 抗菌剂

s. capable of destroying or inhibiting the growth of disease-causing microorganisms


1. She needs antimicrobial therapy, surgery, longterm care.

她需要抗生素治疗 手术 长期看护

2. I've heard some interesting research about treating ulcers with antimicrobials.

我听过一些有趣的研究 说用抗菌剂可以治胃溃疡

3. all parts of the tree are powerfully antimicrobial and that makes it fantastic in treating infection.

因为此树全身各部都能强效抗菌 在治疗感染上表现出色

4. The witch hazel in my shaving gel contains tannins which are antiinflammatory, astringent and antimicrobial.

我的药膏中有蕴含着单宁酸的金缕梅 就有消炎 止血 以及抗微生物的作用

5. Cleanse the area, debride with soft gauze, and then cover with an antimicrobial petroleum dressing.

清理烧伤区域 用柔软的纱布清创 用抗菌原油敷料包好

6. Modern trials have actually suggested that it is antiinflammatory, it is antimicrobial and it can go some way to reducing pain, which makes it fantastic to use for sore throats and coughs.

其实 现代实验已经表明 它具有消炎抗菌的作用 还可以在某种程度上缓解疼痛 这对于治疗喉咙痛和咳嗽再适合不过了



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新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

