中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['mju:tənəslɪ]

adv. 反抗地, 叛变地


1. Mutineers don't get phasers. It won't kill it.

叛乱者别想能拿到相位枪 杀不了它的

2. Then he calls my friend a mutineer and puts him in the sea.

然后他说我的朋友是叛徒 把他扔进了海里

3. Oh, no, there will be no pardon for you because you are the captain of the mutineers.

不 我不会饶恕你的 因为你是叛乱者们的领头

4. The orphans may be mutinous, but they're still under my protection.

孤儿们虽然叛逆 但我还是要保护他们

5. Rumors say that he's crazy and his troops are mutinous.

有谣言说他疯了 而且手下想要兵变

6. And them for siding with a cowardly, sniveling shit of a mutineer.

竟然会站在一个胆小如鼠 一无是处的叛徒那边

7. I want you to know that, every mutineer found justice.

我希望你知道 所有叛乱者都被正法

8. And thanks to them, mutinous talk has been circulating amongst the slaves.

正因为他们 奴隶中的反动言论 在不断发酵

9. Me left eye was taken by a flock of mutinous seagulls.

我的左眼被一群 的海鸥叼走了

10. In jest, my dear boy, when you become mutinous and presumptuous.

开玩笑的 孩子 你这就有点蛮横无理了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

