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音标: 英 [ˌɪnɪkˈspensɪv] 美 [ˌɪnɪkˈspɛnsɪv]

a. 便宜的, 不贵重的

a relatively low in price or charging low prices


1. An extended department is not an inexpensive undertaking.


2. Staging a rescue is not an inexpensive proposition.


3. This is relatively inexpensive for us, you know, so it's like $1.75.

这个价格对我们来说相对比较便宜 大概是1.75美元

4. This is now very inexpensive and what it's doing is measuring cardiac rhythm and blood sats.

现在它没那么贵了 它的功能是 监测心律和血氧饱和度

5. They're nervous about how the bears will react to the sub, so they decide to test the waters with an inexpensive camera.

他们很担心熊对潜水摄像机的反应 所以他们决定用一个不太贵的摄像机 先来试试水

6. Actually, I like the idea, but converting a trauma room into a surgical suite it's not an inexpensive proposition.

其实 我赞成这个想法 但将创伤室改造成手术室 这可不便宜啊

7. He's physically fit and probably works out a lot, so he may frequent inexpensive gyms or heath clubs.

他体格健壮 应该会经常健身 因此很可能常出入平价的体育馆或健身房

8. Now, the real estate was already inexpensive in this area, but when surrounding residents found out that he planned to house sex offenders, there was a mass exodus, so eventually he was able to buy up the rest of the homes and then rename the town.

那儿的房产本来就很便宜 但后来周围居民发现 他计划把这些房子用来安置性犯罪者 很多人就搬家了 最终他得以买下剩下的所有房子 还给小镇改了名字



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

